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Events I know about around Norfolk.

Please keep me informed of any you would like listed. (email me)

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This was an excellent concert featuring some of the best musicians in the region. Thoroughly enjoyable mixture of French styles and more American style tunes and songs. Started by Nick Wiseman-Ellis and Nick Zuppardi duo in the first half with rich and dazzling playing from Nick Wiseman-Ellis on the diatonic button accordion and Nick Zuppardi demonstrating his delightful touch on the tenor guitar. The tunes - varying from traditional French Bourés to more modern tunes as well as several self penned sets where always played with feeling and swing and delighted their audience, both sitting and dancing. To hear more of their playing watch out for their forthcoming EP as well as their current CD featuring them both as 2/3 of the trio ‘Triette’ with Ida Meidell Blylod on violin.

The 2nd half featured The Georgia Shackleton Trio with Georgia Shackleton on fiddle and voice. Aaren Bennet on guitar and yes, Nick Zuppardi again, but this time on mandolin. Again an eclectic mix of traditional and more modern material including some bluegrass style picking from Nick. Self penned songs also featured here and were sung beautifully, and played on the violin, by Georgia with back-up vocals from Aaren and occasionally Nick. For the end of the concert Nick Wiseman-Ellis re-joined the band for the grand finale consisting of a couple of songs and a set of tunes that sent us home (to the pub actually!) feeling totally satisfied. Thanks for a great evening!